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"Solution Qualité Globale"
CTC est le leader international pour le contrôle qualité, la responsabilité sociétale des entreprises (RSE), le conseil et la formation pour les entreprises des secteurs de la mode, de la chaussure, de la maroquinerie et de la ganterie.
L’espace services "Premium" de la filière cuir
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Brian R. Watson has joined the TFL Group as Chief Operating Officer and Member of the TFL Executive Board reporting to the CEO Dr. Peter Amann.
As Chief Operating Officer, Brian leads and carries responsibility for TFL’s Global Research, Global Production & EHS and Global Supply Chain departments. He has a degree in Chemical Engineering from Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland and is a member of the Institute of Chemical Engineers.
TFL is investing substantially into operations to continue to comply with the requirements of our customers and the industry as such. With more research activities and higher efficiency levels in production and supply chain we want to provide the entire market TFL’s high quality products and excellent advice.